

(2022最新 和訳 ) ピアノ・マン Piano Man - ビリー・ジョエル Billy Joel 歌詞 日本語

It's nine o'clock on a Saturday
The regular crowd shuffles in
There's an old man sitting next to me
Making love to his tonic and gin

土曜の21時 常連がぼちぼちと来てる

僕の隣のオッサンはジントニックと よろしくやってる


He says, "Son can you play me a memory
I'm not really sure how it goes
But it's sad and it's sweet
And I knew it complete
When I wore a younger man's clothes."




たしか、甘くもせつない あのあれを



Sing us a song you're the piano man
Sing us a song tonight
Well we're all in the mood for a melody
And you've got us feeling alright

お前、ピアノ弾けるんだろ? 今夜は俺たちのために歌ってくれよ

ここにいるヤツらみんな そんな気分なんだ

お前の歌が 俺らを大丈夫と思わせてくれるんだ



Now John at the bar is a friend of mine
He gets me my drinks for free
And he's quick with a joke or to light up your smoke
But there's someplace that he'd rather be

バーテンのジョンは今や僕の友達で タダで飲ませてくれる





He says, "Bill, I believe this is killing me."
As a smile ran away from his face
"Well, I'm sure that I could be a movie star
If I could get out of this place."


ジョンの顔から笑顔が消えて 話を続けた

「俺は映画のスターにもなれたんだ こんなところに いなければさぁ!」


Now Paul is a real estate novelist
Who never had time for a wife
And he's talking with Davy, who's still in the Navy
And probably will be for life

ポールは不動産屋で小説家志望 婚活もする暇もない

彼は、まだ海軍にいるデイビーと また話してる



And the waitress is practicing politics

As the businessmen slowly get stoned
Yes they're sharing a drink they call loneliness
But it's better than drinking alone

だんだんと酔っ払うサラリーマンの あしらいかたを





Sing us a song you're the piano man
Sing us a song tonight
Well we're all in the mood for a melody
And you've got us feeling alright

お前、ピアノ弾けるんだろ? 今夜は俺たちのために歌ってくれよ

ここにいるヤツらみんな そんな気分なんだ

お前の歌が 俺らを大丈夫と思わせてくれるんだ


It's a pretty good crowd for a Saturday
And the manager gives me a smile
'Cause he knows that it's me they've been coming to see
To forget about life for a while


店長も僕に ほほえみかけてくれる

客が僕の演奏のために来てるって それで現実逃避したいからだって



And the piano it sounds like a carnival
And the microphone smells like a beer
And they sit at the bar and put credit in my jar
And say, "Man what are you doing here?"






Sing us a song you're the piano man
Sing us a song tonight
Well we're all in the mood for a melody
And you've got us feeling alright

お前、ピアノ弾けるんだろ? 今夜は俺たちのために歌ってくれよ

ここにいるヤツらみんな そんな気分なんだ

お前の歌が 俺らを大丈夫と思わせてくれるんだ






(翻訳by カブの乗り方管理人)